Sly Cooper Wiki talk:Canon

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Easter Eggs

How do we know that the Clockwerk Easter Egg appearances are canon? I mean sure, we know that he did indeed watch the Coopers, but how do we know that he was watching them at the precise moments that Sly and the gang went back in time? would that just not create confusion and a new timeline whereby clockwork keeps seeing Sly throughout time and just kills him as a youngster when he had the chance(or something like that)? and he appears in Bobs time, fully mechanized, before the Cooper Clan was even renowned for being master criminals. Surely his appearances are just Easter Eggs and nothing more, do we have any sources of anyone from Sanzaru saying that they are Canon appearances? --I.M (talk) 13:04, June 7, 2016 (UTC)

Technically, we don't know that anything is canon —because Sony hasn't made any statements on the matter— but Clockwerk is in the game. The question of whether something is canon or not is the same as the question of whether something is an Easter egg or not. Who's to say what's an Easter egg? Easter eggs are secrets put in a game by the developer meant to be found (or not, in some cases) by the player. However, Sanzaru specifically brought attention to Clockwerk's appearance during their two-hour playthrough before release. Is it really an Easter egg anymore after that? Was Sanzaru intending for it to be seen by everyone and be included in the experience as a whole? As reference to the first game? Perhaps, perhaps not; who are we to decide?
When it comes to canon, I believe that anything in an official Sly Cooper product (that isn't blatant marketing, though really even that could have its exceptions) is canon. I, of course, am merely a fan and do not have the last word on this subject, and you are free to disagree; however, disagreements will need to be resolved with the input of third parties, likely several of them. -User:Tenbeat (talk ¤ contributions) 14:51, June 7, 2016 (UTC)
They never actually mentioned it though XD just a laugh and "nicely done", plus it wasn't a secret that he was in the game at that time, idk if you remember but they had released screenshots and gameplay of the "copycats" job prior to that, and fans had pointed clockwerk out, and everyone had been talking about it on youtube anyway,  and we know how meticulous Sanzaru was about reading and watching youtube videos by fans to improve the game. So them zooming in for a second on the binocucom doesn't revoke its easter egg status. The definition of easter egg is "an unexpected or undocumented feature in a piece of computer software or on a DVD, included as a joke or a bonus." and given that it was never mentioned in game, it comes under the "unexpected bonus" similar to the Big the cat appearances throughout Sonic Adventure 2.
My view of canon is just what happens within continuity, and sly has 2, we have the Game continuity and the Movie continuity, 2 seperate universes using the same characters and backdrop. We know even certain things in game aren't canon as well, like things said for example, Sly and bentley saying "jump and hit the circle button" doesnt have any story logic whatsoever, so yeah, i guess its very convoluted when it comes to Canon. Shame we don't have a Sly Cooper Story group similar to the Lucasfilm story group XD i mean, how do we know that things like psmh and psasbr aren't canon? i just see anything that is said that adds backstory or adds to and pushes the story forward is considered Canon. Like you being able to revisit Jean Bison in his Cabin in "he who tames the iron horse", just because something is seen in game when the player freely moves around, i don't think it instantly makes it canon or anything. Also in the comics, we see Thaddeus Winslow cooper, dimitri, and a random dog (who actually appears in quite alot of game cutscenes i noticed) all locked up in heathrow, but only Muggshot, Raleigh and Mz Ruby are mentioned, so really, only those ones are Canonically there, whereas the others can be considered easter eggs.
That's my take on it anyway :) i just think that this Clockwerk thing is too much of an uncertainty to place a definite canon stamp on it. 
I.M (talk) 20:26, June 7, 2016 (UTC)
I can see your point, but I don't understand how it's an uncertainty. We know from the first game that Clockwerk watched every member of the Cooper Clan from the shadows; why would Bob be any different? We don't know what event caused him to despise the Clan, so we really can't rule out the possibility, especially when he is in 10,000 BC. Perhaps Clockwerk's metal form was just an oversight, they already had the one model (actually two, including the flying one), so creating one with brown feathers likely seemed redundant.
I guess that really the only Clockwerk sighting that could be questioned is in 10,000 BC; but all the others, if they didn't happen during the game, did happen sometime. -User:Tenbeat (talk ¤ contributions) 23:46, June 7, 2016 (UTC)
Just out of curiosity, where have we seen the flying Clockwerk? I don't recall it off the top of my head.
And yeah, we know Clockwerk definitely did watch each of the coopers at some point, there's no doubt about that at all, but again, clockwork is smart, if clockwork had actually seen this same cooper gang popping up throughout time in a futuristic van, that in itself would alter the future. So yeah, we know that he definitely watched the coopers, but I just don't think he was there at those 5 precise moments in time watching them 24/7, it raises too many questions if its not just an Easter egg. Back to Bob, the Cooper Clan had no reputation back then, Bob was the first, and he was an egg thief who was providing for a tribe, hardly a master thief, Clockwerk couldn't have been jealous of the Cooper's when frankly, the Cooper name wasn't even a thing at that point. Reputations take time to build, it would only be after the coopers being established as master thieves that any jealousy would appear. No one could be so jealous of an egg thief that he would replace all of his body with machinery, which is a massive leap ahead in technology especially for that time. The earliest, 100% solid appearance of him we have is in the background of the picture of Slytunkhamen I, and its at least more plausible that Clockwerk could have been mechanized then, given the mathematical prowess of the Ancient Egyptians. Again this is my take on it XD I just think logically it's too early for him to be around let alone mechanized, plus again he would keep seeing the cooper gang popping up throughout time so something big in the future would surely be altered.
--I.M (talk) 15:00, June 8, 2016 (UTC)
During "Copy Cats." -User:Tenbeat (talk ¤ contributions) 02:54, June 9, 2016 (UTC)

Removal of TV?

Just thought that, since both the show and movie are basically at least shelved until further notice, it might be a good idea to remove the "TV universe" section and mentions from this article, just to make it more concise. The TV section doesn't even say anything except that it is canon to itself. A slight mention of the possibility of the TV show or movie interfering with the game canon is probably a good idea but may still not even be necessary at this point. -Tenbeat (talk ¤ contributions) 07:25, 15 June 2021 (UTC)