User:B.F. Cooper

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About me

I have been playing Sly Cooper since 2007 on both PS2 and PS3 I had 2 Video's on Youtube where my youtube was iowastate158.


I owned all the games and have so many pro's and a couple cons such as in Sly 2 there are a lot of places where there are guards or doors but no way to get to where they are if you're not Sly Cooper. I am trying to get all my games %100 3 times as well on: Sly 1 %100, %17: Sly 2 %100, %100, %44: Sly 3 %100, %17.


My favorite power-up is probably Mega Jump because it makes getting from place to place so much faster and easier. My favorite characters are probably all the minor Characters including; Detective Winthorp, Inspector Barkeley, Giovanni, Madame D' Oinkeau, Mrs. Puffin, Richard, Lt. Gronk, Pierre, and Pachyderma Tuskininny. because we don't know much about them and what we do know is cool. My favorite boss battle would probably be Clockwerk because his is the hardest and he is Sly's biggest nemesis. My favorite cooper clan members after playing Sly 4 are;

  1. Sly Cooper
  2. Tennessee "Kid" Cooper
  3. Salim Al Kupar
  4. B.F. Cooper
  5. Conner Cooper






And Thai420.


How to Contact

PSN Account= iowastate158&nbsp My Sly Cooper Test!!!

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