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About me


Here are some of my likes and dislikes about the Sly Cooper franchise.

Favorite Power Up Sly 1: Slow Time

Favorite Power Up Sly 2: Lightning Spin

Favorite Power Up Sly 3: Murray's Aboriginal Form

Favorite Battle: Sly vs Panda King, Bentley vs Jean Bison, Penelope vs LeFwee, Sly vs Toothpick

Least Favorite Battle: Sly vs Mz. Ruby, Sly vs Contessa, Murray vs Octavio, Murray vs Grizz

Favorite Episode of each game:

  • Fire In The Sky
  • He Who Tames the Iron Horse
  • A Cold Alliance
  • Go West, Young Raccoon

Least favorite episodes of each game:

  • Vicious Voodoo
  • The Predator Awakes
  • Flight of Fancy
  • Turning Japanese

Favorite Game: Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Favorite Villan: Muggshot

Easiest Boss Battle: Both Contessa's Fights

Hardest Boss Battle: Mz. Ruby

Favorite Heist: Operation Canada Games

Any other places where we can find you?