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This page's primary purpose is seeing if any potentially unused sound files were, in fact, used in the final game.

Sly 2 Script

Pending Verification

The following dialogue was present in the form of sound files found after extracting the game. It is not verified that these dialogues actually appear in-game. The italicized numbers following the dialogue indicate the filename.

The Black Chateau

Follow Dimitri

Bentley: Try following Dimitri from the rooftops so you can stay out of sight. (15678)


Possibly "Bug Dimitri's Office", but unsure:

  • More times than not, being sneaky and avoiding guards is the best way to finish the job. Try to stay out of their flashlight beams. (15674)

Possibly while idle or just messing around the world:

  • Sly, if you're ever confused about what to do next, press the L3 button and look around for waypoints. (15680)
  • If you ever get lost, press the L3 button; you know, the left analog stick, and look around for waypoints. (15690)

A Starry-Eyed Encounter

Steal a Tuxedo

(If the player enters a room they've already been in)

  • You've already got the piece from in here. (15486)
  • Try another room. (15487)
  • You've been through here. (15488)
  • This one is empty. (15489)
  • You've already found the tux part in here. (15490)
  • A tux part was already found in here. (15491)
  • This room's all cleaned out. (15492)

Boardroom Brawl

(Upon crawling under a table without the door code.)
Bentley: Try another table, it's here somewhere. (15593)

Bomb the Bridge

(situational stuff when Bentley blows up x number of cleats)

  • That's one. Uh-oh, the bridge's starting to crumble. Better watch out for falling stones. (15557)
  • Just two more cleats down here. (15558)
  • There's only one cleat left! (15559)
  • That's it for the lower section. Now for the main support beams. (15560)
  • Three more to go! (15561)
  • Just two cleats left. (15562)
  • One more cleat and this bridge is going down. (15563)

(If Bentley tries to bomb any of the upper cleats before bombing all of the lower cleats)
Bentley: I need to bomb all of the lower cleats before I can take out any of the ones up here. (15604)

Tango with Carmelita

(Over the course of the dance.) Carmelita Fox:

  • Yes. (15530)
  • Ooh. (15532)
  • Ahh. (15533)
  • Nice. (15534)


Some Neyla line during the dance. Neyla: Delicious. (15528)

The Predator Awakes

Blow the Dam

(If the turret takes damage)

  • Oh no! (15405)
  • Anguish! (15406)
  • I'm in trouble! (15407)
  • Close one! (15408)

Operation: Wet Tiger

(If the player takes too long at the beginning of the job)
Bentley: Let's head out for the turret Murray. (15312)

(If the player is taking too long to lift up the lever)
Bentley: (binocucom) Hit buttons fast to keep your strength up. (15321)


Wall Bombing

(If the RC chopper is destroyed.)

  • I'm sorry, Sly.
  • Pure abject failure. (15157)

(Upon defeating a guard.)

  • Stuff me in a locker, will ya. (15159)
  • Take that! (15162)
  • Death from above! (15167)
  • Cha-ching! (15170)
  • 15171

Disguise Bridge


  • Pure abject failure.
  • I'm done here, heading back for the last bomb target.

Operation: Trojan Tank

Bentley: I'll need to take out those wolves before getting in the tank. (15081)

(If Sly does not climb up the tower within a certain amount of time.)
Bentley (binocucom): Look around for something to grab onto. Maybe you can swing your way up to the next level. (15093)

(If Sly does not have Murray destroy a hypno-box in a certain amount of time.)
Bentley (binocucom): Try to lure Murray into bull-rushing the hypno-boxes. (15118)

He Who Tames the Iron Horse

A Friend in Need

Bentley (binocucom): Lose Carmelita before you try to free Murray. (14754)

(Upon escaping from Carmelita after stealing a key.) Carmelita Fox:

  • Justice will find you, there's nowhere to hide. (14751)

Bentley (binocucom): That's all three keys. Head for that power box and free Murray. (14755)

Operation: Choo-Choo

Bentley (binocucom): Sly, grab the pipe on the caboose to catch hold, and climb on top! (14661)

Menace from the North, eh!

Recon the Sawmill

Bentley (binocucom): That door seems to be locked from the inside. Try to find another way in.

Lighthouse Break-In

These pieces of dialogue occur if Sly is taking too long in their current objective.

Bentley (binocucom): Flip the double-reverse circuit breaker! Hurry!

Thermal Ride

Bentley (binocucom): Stay out of the flames!

Anatomy for Disaster

Carmelita's Gunner

Carmelita Fox:

  • I thought you said you were a good shot! (14274)
  • Shoot the bird, not the air! (14275)
  • Shoot straight, or we're both dead! (14276)
  • Come on Cooper! (14277)
  • You've got to stay focused! (14278)
  • It's Clockwerk! Shoot her! (14279)
  • Get on it, ringtail, our chopper's taking damage! (14280)
  • That was bad! (14281)
  • Get it together Sly! (14282)
  • We're taking damage! (14283)
  • We can't take much more of this! (14284)
  • We're a team here, don't let me down! (14285)
  • Learn to aim, learn quickly! (14286)

Mega-Jump Job

Bentley (binocucom):

  • Ouch! Ow! Falling, faaaling! (14308)
  • Oh no! Help...please...someone? (14311)


(Upon defeating wolf guards and bombers in "Mojo Trap Action" and "Operation: High Road," respectively.)

  • En garde!
  • Take that!
  • Touché.
  • Watch out!
  • Sorry about that.
  • This'll hurt.
  • Heads up.
  • Eat that!
  • Eat physics!
  • Math is king!
  • So sorry.
  • I'm the Lizard King!
  • Fore!
  • Parry strike!
  • The coup de grâce!
  • That's just not safe.
  • That'll hurt.
  • Painful.

(If the switch is attempted to be activated before it is ready)

  • It hasn't reset.
  • It's not ready yet!
  • Needs more time!
  • This one's still out!
  • It's not back online!
  • Still not online!
  • It's still resetting?!
  • Hurry up machine!
  • Come on, come on!
  • Hurry it up!
  • Reset, reset!