User:Sir Galleth Cooper

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About me

Hey, I'm a Norwegian boy who enjoys editing on this wiki, I don't make many changes because I am mostly playing through the games looking for tiny overseen details, I also have a great time playing videogames. My hoobies are reading books. My hoobies are drawing, skiing, snowboarding, Videogames, coding (own videogame) and more!


I play most videogames everything from Borderlands 2 and Battlefield 3 to FTL and KSP. I enjoy them, I have even made a platformer in Sly 1-ish style. It was rather buggy and glitchy, I'm trying make a "reloaded" version. I'm mostly the PS3 person, but lately I've been playing on my PC because my TV "crashed".  


honorable knight and cunning thief for the ages


My favorite game is: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.

My favorite Good-guy is: Rioichi Cooper

My favorite Bad-Guy is: Clockwerk.

My favorite gadget is: The all-mighty Grapple-Cam!