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Differences between the issues. Issue 1.

Physical release Digital release
Inner cover
The Heart of a Thief Stealing by Numbers
Page 1
Born into a family of master thieves, an orphaned Sly Cooper and his trusted crew uphold an ancient family code: "Only by stealing from a master criminal can you call yourself a master thief." Born into a family of master thieves, an orphaned Sly Cooper and his trusted crew plunder from villains around the world and uphold an ancient family code: "Only by stealing from a master criminal can you truly be a master thief!"
"The Heart of a Thief" "Stealing by Numbers"
Monaco 8:52 PM Nightfall
"Behind every fortune is a crime, and behind the best crime is a great team." That's what Dad used to say. Dad always said-- "Never act before the sun goes down". This is the time of day that I miss him the most.
This is when I miss him most. Time to go to work.
Page 2
Being a thief, darkness can be your greatest ally. Dad would have been able to this off single-handedly.
That and a couple of trustworthy friends. Well, I might not be as skilled as him...
The key to success is a quiet entry. ...But at least I've brought along some friends.
Bentley? You there? I'm in position. I can see Dimitri's mansion. Are you there, Bentley? I'm within visual range of Dimitri's mansion.
I'm here but I don't like what I'm seeing, Sly. Not one bit. I'm here. From what I've managed to get out of the security system, the grounds are heavily guarded.
The grounds are crawling with guards. I'd recommend a second story entry.
Okay then. I'm going for the roof. Second story entry.
Dad would have been proud of that move. Story of my life.
Definitely a keeper. At least it's what I'm good at.
Not one of my best landings. Ugly landing, but it'll have to do--
--To get me to the roof.
Nice pad for an art-school dropout. Just like Dad always said--
Dimitri, you may be rich but you're not too bright. "Start from the top and work your way down."
Page 3
Oh my precious. Even the finest art cannot compare to you my dear. My dear, this engagement party is exquisite.
Da world is taken by our storm. With my fine art collection and your means, we'll take the world by storm.
Oh my beautiful Dimitri. You are my most treasured work. Oh, my urbane prince. Thanks to you, everyone who's anyone is here at our fabulous party.
Look at this party! It's like we own monaco. Anyone who is anyone is here-- We're the toast of all Monaco! After tonight, we're sure to be the headline of the society page.
Including Carmelita Fox! So happy you accepted my invitation, Inspector. Inspector Fox, I'm so happy you accepted my invitation...
How could I say no, Ms. D'Oinkeau? My pleasure, Ms. D'Oinkeau.
Don't you just love our most glorious collection? I feel so much better with you on watch.
Yes, money can buy you the best of things. But what good is money-- You see, my sweet Dimitri has one of the finest art collections in all of Europe.
--Without someone who really knows how to spend it? My fiance has a unique vision for treasures. I don't know how he does it. He seems to have a unique gift in acquiring the most exotic pieces. How he does it is a mystery...
Must be your charm, angel. ...I think it's his charm.
Allow me to introduce you to the real reason you're here, the world's most valuable engagement gift, So, as an engagement gift, I've presented him with my most treasured piece--
Wow, It's uh-- I'm speechless. Wow. It is impressive.
Must be like looking in da mirror for you, my portly sausage. It is as exquisite as you are heinous, my porky princess.
This statue means the world to me. It's going to be safe tonight, right Inspector? So you see, Inspector-- I'd hate for anything to happen to it.
Ms. D'Oinkeau, tonight is a night of celebration. Your statue is safe with me. No need to worry, Ms. D'Oinkeau. I'm on the job. No one is going to get near that statue.
Mmm' better be, Foxy. That's da only reason I be marrying this annoying pile of pork. Yes, Inspector, protect my new treasure... It's sure to make me rich!
Page 4
Upstairs... Back upstairs...
Will they ever learn? Just because it's secure on the ground-- Why do they always put security only on the ground floor?
--Doesn't mean that's the only way in. If it were up to me, I'd have a bunch of security up here--
Wait a minute. They're not security! --Forging fine art?!?
He's seen us! GET HIM BOYS!! He's seen the operation! GET HIM!!
Something's rotten around here. Better act fast before they get it together!
You're not playing very nice, boys. No wonder these guys weren't on the registry--
Forging fine art? Now that's low. --They're working off the books!
Ouch! Whoa.
Artists can be so sensitive. That was too close...
This one is for you, Picasso!! I can't spend much more time up here.
Page 5
Wow, that was close! Got to keep on schedule--
Looks like he's been harboring some pent up anger. --And quit trying to take these guys on one at a time!
Why don't you let me help you release some of that rage. "When things heat up, get some elevation." Just like Dad always said.
Oh-- That was close.
--Should have stuck to making your own art. I can't believe I took them out...
Alright, back to the schedule. I didn't come here to teach the ethics of stealing art. ...Lucky break. Next time I'd better pay attention-- And don't get caught unaware in a room full of guards.
Bentley? The upstairs quadrant has been compromised. Bentley, come in-- The approach vector has been compromised.
Switching to Plan B. We need to switch to Plan B--
You copy, Bentley? Repeat--
Copy that, Sly! I hear you, Sly!
Page 6
Back at the main gallery... The main gallery...
Monsieur Dimitri. Mademoiselle Oinkeau. Excuse us, please. Monsieur! Mademoiselle! Excuse us!
What's the problem? And it's D'Oinkeau, thank you. Yes?
There has been a security breech upstairs. The intruder has been apprehended. He's being held in the attic. We've apprehended an intruder in the attic. He's bound and gagged.
He fits the description of Sly Cooper. He fits the description of the thief Sly Cooper.
Here?!? Sly Cooper? Here?
Great work, fellas. Let's beat it, shall we? Da party be swinging. Uh... Nice job boys! Er... Ladies, what say we have a drink to celebrate his capture..?
Inspector, I insist. Da situation is being dealt with proper. Now let's roll. Uh.. Inspector... No need to go... My security has already dealt with it...
My apologies, Monsieur Dimitri but I've waited years to bust that ring-tailed rat! No dice, Monsieur Dimitri. I've waited years to bust this guy!
Uh, Inspector-- B-but I insist!
Page 7
Now, it's very dangerous. You really should stay with da party. Inspector! I must insist that you stay with the party!
A real criminal? How intoxicating. A criminal! How exciting!
Oh, I've been waiting for this day-- Finally some action...
Uh, since we both can't be flaking on the soiree, I'll best be checking just to see dat things are grooving-- Ah... well... the party looks like it could use some ice. I'll just slip out and fetch some...
Always thinking, pumpkin. See you soon. Don't be long, my sweet!
Paint? Easels? Canvases? This looks like-- An art studio? Why is Dimitri--
NO! Can it be?! Dimitri?! A forger??! My Dimitri is a forger?!?
Sure seems that way-- It appears so...
But I thought they said Sly Cooper was tied up here?! Which one of these men is Sly Cooper?
They did, Beverly. But it appears we've been led astray. None of them, Beverly. It appears those security guards have misled us...
You can run, Sly Cooper. But you can't hide. ...Why is it we always seem to fall for men's lies?
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A list of dead videos on the Wiki; they either need to be deleted or replaced.

Need replacement/deletion

  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_Anatomy_for_Disaster_The_Getaway x_IUbzbCd7s
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_Anatomy_for_Disaster_The_Setup -Y2KJV8lHd0
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_He_Who_Tames_the_Iron_Horse_The_Setup D6cqlCQoRiI
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_He_Who_Tames_the_Iron_Horse_The_Getaway H5pVtUNMVLc
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_A_Tangled_Web_The_Getaway 4I0RrdTjxwY
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_A_Tangled_Web_The_Setup gEvjej0fsQc
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_Jailbreak_The_Getaway Yc76NlWjQUM
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_Jailbreak_The_Setup Ur_6CUOsVdA
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_A_Starry_Eyed_Encounter_The_Getaway 5HZOH7n4qxY
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_A_Starry_Eyed_Encounter_The_Setup -EYeVMCtm1E
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_The_Black_Chateau_The_Getaway 5KKjXZAPa4Q
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_The_Black_Chateau_The_Setup L0foH6JCLJ8
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_The_Predator_Awakes_The_Setup 4oGHn88nxF8
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_Menace_from_the_North,_eh!_The_Setup 1oZ815vmfeA
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_Menace_from_the_North,_eh!_The_Getaway qomXV1a3H18
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_-_The_Predator_Awakes_The_Getaway fV2EmaIjGAc
  • file:Sly_3_Honor_Among_Thieves_-_"Brains"_Advertisement WkC4iRXveUo
  • file:Sly_3_Honor_Among_Thieves_-_"Muscle"_Advertisement 7-6dq5nqxXE
  • file:Sly_3_Honor_Among_Thieves_-_"Stealth"_Advertisement -vo4tZXu2yE
  • file:Sly_2_Band_of_Thieves_Intro_Cutscene R-Dvcn0E45s
  • file:The_Collector sS7VwTN8hZQ
  • file:Sly_Cooper_4_-_Thieves_In_Time_Tennessee_Kid_Cooper's_Appearance!sS7VwTN8hZQ
  • file:PlayStation_All-Stars_Battle_Royale_for_PS3 _DAkJ-1PG44
  • file:Episode_4_-_A_Cold_Alliance_-_The_Deal hz0By2M7edI



  • file:Sly_2_Episode_1_Binocucom_Glitch
  • file:Firestar_Doesn't_Like_Waffles