Lupus gigantormus

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Lupus gigantormus is the pseudo-scientific name for a species of giant wolf. Members of this species have gray fur and red eyes. They are very aggressive, attacking anyone who wanders into sight. They are also invulnerable to most attacks, with their only known weakness being deep water.

Concept art

One member of the species lives in the forested area beneath the Black Baron's castle in Kinderdijk, Holland. During the ACES competition, Bentley sedated the creature to allow the Guru to get near it and take control of its mind. Once possessed, the giant wolf was used to massacre a sizable portion of Team Black Baron's pilots, thereby evening the odds for Team Cooper in the final round of the competition.[1]

If approached by the Guru while sleeping, Lupus Gigantormus will awake suddenly startled by the player and then promptly fall back asleep, this happens only once per Lupus life.
