Near-Sighted Lizards

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Near-sighted lizards are the native inhabitants of Dagger Island in the episode "Dead Men Tell No Tales." These lizards only appear in the mission "X Marks the Spot," roaming the central portion of the island around a circle of palm trees. These lizards are purple with yellow eyes, and have very poor eyesight. When the lizards are encountered, Bentley will warn Sly that despite them having poor eyesight, they are best to be avoided.[1]

Sly can knock out the lizards and use the Silent Obliteration move to kill them easily.


  • They share the same model with the crocodile from "Rumble Down Under," but are purple instead of green.
  • If approached while wearing the Pirate disguise, the lizards will act like regular guards and ask Sly for the password.
  • If Sly alerts a lizard and climbs a tree, they will throw pebbles at Sly, much like rooftop guards.
  • When Sly uses Silent Obliteration on a lizard, they can be heard emitting the same sounds that the rat guards emit during their fall death animations.
