User:Hallowseve97/Character Revamp

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I thought I'd finished it.
This page needs to be expanded in order to include more relevant information.

Jean Bison was an antagonist in Sly 2: Band of Thieves. He was a member of the Klaww Gang who was holding the Clockwerk Lungs and Stomach and the Clockwerk Talons.


Early Life

Jean Bison was born and raised in the 1800's. At a young age he traversed across North America in search of gold during the Gold Rush of 1852. He was prospector and ended up exploding the side of a mountain, desperate to find gold. However, that went completely wrong and an avalanche began because of him. He got buried in the deep snow and froze into a block of ice. Eventually he thawed out of the ice block due to global warming and joined the Klaww Gang.

Sly 2: Band of Thieves

A Starry Eyed Encounter

If only you moved spice shipments that well...
― Jean Bison talking to Rajan about Sly's dancing.[src]

Jean Bison makes his debut appearance at Rajan's ball in a palace. In Sly's first mission at Rajan's palace called Recon the Sawmill, Sly has to take a photo of Jean Bison. When taking the photo, Jean Bison is seen walking around the second floor.

When Sly finally gets his tuxedo, he dances with Neyla in order to eventually earn a dance with Carmelita. During the dance, Rajan is amazed at Sly's dancing and Jean Bison is too. He is standing right next to Rajan while the two are dancing and wishes Rajan's spice shipment moved that well.

He Who Tames the Iron Horse

Ain't nobody gettin' past me. Their Clockwerk Stomach is safe as a snowman in winter.
― Jean Bison talking to himself about the Clockwerk Stomach.[src]

Jean Bison is not seen again until Sly, Bentley and Murray reach Canada. In Sly's first mission called Cabin Crimes

Sly sneaking past Jean Bison on the train.

, Sly needs to sneak into three cabins. The first one is Jean Bison's. In order to avoid being spotted by Jean Bison, Sly needs to crawl under the tables and reach the boxes to jump up above the fireplace. Once up there Sly needs to take photos of the train blueprints. He was also making a deal with Arpeggio about the Clockwerk Parts.

As Bentley plans out what the gang needs to do to retrieve the Clockwerk Parts, it is revealed that Jean Bison keeps the Clockwerk Lungs and Stomach at the front of each train. They are in the front because they can somehow power the Iron Horse trains to work day and night without stopping for fuel. However, the gang has trouble getting to the parts since the trains are moving very fast and have tight security. Security on the train include guards and air forces.

During Operation: Choo Choo, Sly, Bentley and Murray need to get on Iron Horse 3 and recover the Clockwerk Stomach. When Sly is sneaking along one of the train cars, Jean Bison can be seen walking in circles talking to himself about the Clockwerk Stomach's safety. Once Sly successfully sneaks past Jean Bison and reaches a ladder, Neyla flies in on her plane and threatens Sly. Bentley then takes his RC Chopper into the skies and shoots at Neyla until her plane loses control and she crashes. Ultimately Sly gets the Clockwerk Stomach.

Jean Bison headed to a logging camp after his Iron Horse 3 crashes. It is revealed that at the logging camp, the Clockwerk Talons are there in Bison's hands.

Menace from the North, eh!

Jean Bison and his guards headed to a logging camp in Canada. There, the Clockwerk Talons are safely in his hands. However, Sly and the gang followed him, setting up a safe house on the outskirts of the camp.

In Sly's first mission titled Recon the Sawmill, Sly needs to take pictures of the logging camp and eventually take pictures of what is inside the lighthouse. When Sly enters the lighthouse, Jean Bison can be seen walking around inside. He has barricaded the front door with a chair.

After Sly returns to the safe house, the gang has figured out that Jean Bison is waiting for Arpeggio's Blimp to arrive at the logging camp and collect the last few Clockwerk Parts. It is also learned that Jean Bison is participating in the Lumberjack Games there as well.

At some point during his stay at the logging camp, Jean Bison placed Radio Transmitters in bears' mouths. They are in the bear cave and Sly needs to sneak in and get them. That mission is called Bearcave Bugging.

In Operation: Canada Games, the Cooper Gang talk to Jean Bison himself and ask if they can join in. Since he always wins, he agrees to verse them. The first event is called the "Power Chop Event", Murray and Bison compete to see who can cut a log faster. While the game is going on, Bentley sneaks an eagle egg on Jean Bison's back, causing him to get distracted and receive a lower score. He then threatens the judges and they give him a higher score.

The next event is called the "Power Climbing Event". Sly needs to reach the top of the wall before Jean Bison does. In order to do this, Murray has a grappling hook he fires at him. After getting grappled by three hooks, Jean Bison is given a lower score. Once again he threatens the judges and the score increases.

The next event, called the "Log Rolling Event", Bentley competes against Jean Bison. Whoever can stay on the log the longest wins. Fortunately for the gang, Murray makes note that Jean Bison is cheating so him and Sly knock out the judges and pose as them. After that, Jean Bison knocks otu Sly and Murray for posing as guards with the Talons. Bentley and Bison head to the sawmill.

Inside the sawmill, Bentley needs to fight Jean Bison and defeat him for the Clockwerk Talons. They are in a room surrounded by water and the platform they are on are full of 'traps'. Bentley can decide which 'trap' to use in order to defeat jean Bison. Options include the use of fire, saws and dropping a log on Jean Bison's head. Eventually Bentley beats Jean Bison and the gang head for the Northern Lights Battery to get on Arpeggio's massive blimp. Jean Bison is left behind, but manages to escape somehow.


Jean Bison went on to work for EPA...
― In-game credits, about what happens to Jean Bison.[src]

After Clock-La is defeated and the Clockwerk Parts are destroyed, the credits roll and show what happened to the Klaww Gang after Sly, Bentley and Murray dealt with them.

Jean Bison, now working for EPA.

It is revealed that Jean Bison went on to work for EPA. One of his mission was to rescue a group of baby penguins. he was able to get the penguins on the raft, but fell in the water and froze again. It is unclear if he ever unfroze, his status is unknown.
