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Moles were enemies encountered in "He Who Tames the Iron Horse" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.


They wear yellow hard hats, blue overalls, and are gray in color. In their left claw, they carry a bundle of dynamite, but don't actively use it. They tunnel under snow (signified by a trail of moving lumps in the snow in the area), and when approached by any member of the Cooper Gang, they pop out halfway and attack with a spinning move with their open claw. A simple hit from any attack is more than enough to dispatch them. However, they can be defeated only by Carmelita using her shock pistol, as they will burrow up again from the snow to continue patrolling if given enough time.



  • These moles may not always pop up to attack the player.
  • Bentley's sleep darts do not put them to sleep, but the player can use them as a weapon against them.