Canadian eagle

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Canadian eagles were creatures the Cooper Gang encountered in Canada. They are brown eagles with white heads, yellow legs and beaks, as well as black, dotty eyes. They are frequently seen flying around Jean Bison's lumber camp (mostly just around the gang's hideout) and briefly appear in Nunavut Bay during the gang's iron horse missions.

Anyone who ends up in an eagle's shadow risks being attacked, as the appearance of their shadows indicate they are coming in for a swoop. Any of the three gang members, as well as Bison's moose guards can fall victim to their attacks. One can most likely avoid being harmed by a swooping eagle if they are in the shadow of one of its wings.

An eagle swoops down on Bentley to reclaim the egg.

Just like the bears, the eagles served as useful assets in the gang's missions, most specifically the Lumberjack Games. In order for the gang to distract Jean Bison during the log chopping event, Bentley took an eagle egg, which Sly Cooper stole from an eagle's nest,[1] and placed it behind Bison. This allowed an eagle to swoop down on him and throw off his axe swing.[2]
