Pig security guard

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Pig security guards were the guards that appeared in "A Shadow from the Past" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves. They were employed to protect the Museum of Natural History in Cairo, Egypt.


These security guards wear tight, blue shirts, a black tie with a star on it, a black, peaked cap and goggles. They also wear dark pants and gloves and hold a flashlight in their right hands, but they have no weapon. They all patrol in inaccessible sections of the museum, making it impossible to be interacted with.



  • There is a glitch that allows Sly Cooper to explore the museum. If the player does this, Sly can encounter the guards, and they will not do anything, as they were never programmed to attack.
    • Also, if the player attacks them, Sly's cane will just go through them.

Behind the scenes