Mutant primate

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The mutant primate is a large mutant created by Dr. M in Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. When it first appears, the creature captures and is about to destroy Bentley, but Sly Cooper distracts it by throwing his cane into its mouth, which causes it to drop him.[1] However, Sly is then immediately grabbed by the mutant, injuring him. While he is in its grip, Sly thinks back on the journey that got him to that moment. Soon after, Carmelita Fox arrives with her mercenary apes and fights the beast, causing it to release Sly.[2]

Carmelita faces the mutant again after Dr. M detaches and later comes to save Sly within the Cooper Vault's inner sanctum.[3] What happened to the mutant primate afterward is not explained, though it can be assumed that Carmelita defeated it.


Physical appearance

It is a massive creature of unknown species, though due to the fact that Sly mentions it is a genetic experiment, and that it appears to be a genetic hybrid creature. Its head appears to be that of an elephant seal, with giant sloth arms, and reptilian legs and tail.

It wears a collar around its neck that Dr. M can plug into, presumably to control it. It also has metal pipes sticking out of its back that produce thick smoke, suggesting that it is somehow "powered" like a machine. Said pipes doubled as cannons that allowed it to launch mines that generated electricity. It appears to be wearing an orange top of some kind, as well as blue shorts.


Being a genetic experiment by Dr. M, the mutant primate has little to no personality. It displays animalistic rage and does what Dr. M commands it to do, even when he is not connected via the collar around its neck.


It is very strong, as it can throw back the mercenaries with tremendous force, and can smash a chunk of the island apart with its bare fists. The mutant was capable of using the cannons on its back to launch mines that would produce fields of electricity in large areas, forcing Carmelita to constantly seek new vantage points during their battle to avoid being shocked. It also seemed almost unaffected by Carmelita's shock pistol.



  • Dr. M cannot be attacked with the Push or Jump Attacks while attached to the beast.
