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You break into my place. Steal my stuff. Trash the joint. I feel transgressed and violated! Let's rock!
― Muggshot to Sly Cooper[src]

Muggshot is a bulldog that was formerly the enforcer for the Fiendish Five. After helping kill Conner Cooper, he took a section of the Thievius Raccoonus and holed up in Mesa City, a previously thriving American boomtown located in Utah. He was the main antagonist of "Sunset Snake Eyes" in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus. A few years later, he was a prominent competitor in the ACES competition, serving as the secondary antagonist in "Flight of Fancy" of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.



Muggshot was born the runt of the litter, being the neighborhood weakling and constantly picked on by larger dogs. In his loneliness, his only friends were found on the big screen, and he soon came to admire the tough, brutal criminals and how they took no guff from anyone. It was in one of these movies, entitled The Dogfather, that Muggshot saw his first gangster, and he knew instantly that this was what he wanted to be.[1]

Young Muggshot watching The Dogfather

Inspired by his dreams of great power and respect, he spent the rest of his childhood working out, striving to be like his movie idols, until he ended up a massive, muscle-bound, hard-hitting, street brawling, tough-as-nails gangster with a taste for guns, ensuring that he would never be picked on or pushed around again. From there, he took his revenge on his former bullies and became a well-known enforcer and gunman, eventually being recruited by Clockwerk.[1]

Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus

After joining the Fiendish Five as chief enforcer, Muggshot took part in the raid of the Cooper household that killed Sly Cooper's parents. As each Fiendish Five member made off with some pages from the Thievius Raccoonus, Muggshot took the documentations of "Tennessee Kid" Cooper and notes on the Raccoon Rail Walk and Rail Slide, though he only liked the pictures; not really understanding all the "big words." Muggshot eventually parted ways with Clockwerk, much later setting out to establish a gambling empire in the western United States. After driving out the vast majority of the residents of Mesa City (which he only later realized was a dumb idea when supposed to be running a business), Muggshot proceeded to make his own additions, which included installing a great casino and a penthouse shaped like a fire hydrant.[1]

Muggshot busted by Carmelita.

Sly and the gang broke into Muggshot's turf, raiding his various resources, with Sly eventually breaking into the bulldog's penthouse lounge. Because of his massive size, Muggshot was invulnerable to Sly's attacks, which the former took advantage of, making heavy use of his guns. Muggshot was, however, vulnerable to being burned, which Sly took advantage of by redirecting sunlight from various mirrors onto Muggshot's crystal garden, which in turn fried Muggshot and his guns. Sly utilized this technique throughout his battle with Muggshot, which allowed him to defeat the bulldog and force him to reveal the location of the next Fiendish Five member, Mz. Ruby. Following his defeat, Muggshot was arrested by Inspector Carmelita Fox,[1] and placed in Heathrow Penitentiary.[2]

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves

Three years later, through unknown reasons, Muggshot was out of prison and now a pilot in the ACES competition in Kinderdijk, Holland organized by the Black Baron, and a runner-up from the year before the Cooper Gang arrived, who was renowned for his brutal, vicious tactics. He ran into the Cooper Gang when they too entered the competition. Despite not actually confronting the Cooper Gang on the opening evening of the tournament, he was fully aware of who they were. Shortly after the opening evening, Muggshot bribed a great number of the Black Baron's guards to launch a massive assault on the Cooper Gang's aircraft hangar as revenge for the events in Mesa City, but thanks to the team effort of Bentley's various traps, Murray's determination and brute strength, a plane engine that was used to hit the bulldog in the chest multiple times, along with assistance from Penelope and her RC chopper's grappling cable, his attack ultimately failed.[3]

A day or two after the event of the hangar, Bentley confronted Muggshot, who was staying quiet and kept under watch as punishment by the Baron. He tried to ignore Bentley but the latter managed to goad him into a fight, using an insult about Muggshot's mother. No longer caring about being disqualified, Muggshot agreed to Bentley's "fight" in the town square. The fight was actually part of an elaborate trap on Bentley's part, as at the same time Sly lured Carmelita to the agreed meeting place. When they ran into each other, Carmelita was unable to resist going after Muggshot, and he wanted revenge for her putting him away back in Mesa. The two had a firefight all around town, the countryside, and the hangars, Muggshot eventually falling to Carmelita's shock pistol. He quickly fainted and was sent back to jail. As well as removing Muggshot from the competition, it removed Carmelita as a threat to the Cooper Gang's plan, as the paperwork she would have to fill out after bringing Muggshot in was apparently substantial.[3]

Timing Is Everything

Muggshot appears in this animated short as the main antagonist.

Muggshot in Timing Is Everything

Muggshot, traveling aboard a large cargo-plane, was transporting a gold watch in a safe to an undisclosed location. The significance of this pocket watch is undisclosed, but the Cooper Gang was intent on stealing it.

Muggshot has employed a large militia comprised solely of dogs to help protect the plane from any possible intruders, as well as to fly the plane. At some point during the trip, Muggshot discovered that Carmelita was on the plane and threw her, bound to a chair, into the "Dog House"; a janitorial closet.

Muggshot, while reading a newspaper in a bathroom stall, was alerted to the presence of Sly as Carmelita set off a smoke alarm by burning the rope with a flare. Muggshot exits the restroom and heads towards the captain's cabin, where the safe holding the gold pocket watch was located. Having the watch already on his wrist, he walked in on Sly as he opens the empty safe. The two fight, Muggshot quickly gaining the upper hand, slamming Sly against a console. This sends sparks flying, and caused the computer in the cockpit to explode. The plane's speed increases drastically.

Muggshot, fist wound up, notices that the watch is no longer on his wrist. Sly, now in possession of the watch, wraps it around his own fist and socks Muggshot in the jaw, knocking him out cold.

The Cooper Van, whose wings have detached, comes crashing through the roof of the plane. This begins to wake Muggshot, but he is again knocked out as Sly and Carmelita jump on his back. Bentley reaches out with his wheelchair's mechanical arm and grabs onto Muggshot's belt. The Cooper Van launches out of the plane using its still attached engine, and the plane crashes and explodes into the side of a mountain. Bentley throws three parachutes from the Van, slowing their descent. Muggshot and Carmelita are dropped off on a cliffside. Sometime later, Muggshot is thrown into jail.

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

While Muggshot does not appear in Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, there are references to him. In Turning Japanese, when Sly has gained the Samurai Costume and must enter the prison to save Rioichi Cooper, he states that his name is Major Muggshot when the guard on duty questions whether or not Sly is a real guard.

In Go West Young Raccoon, after finding all of the Clue Bottles and opening the vault, the treasure is revealed to be a lucky coin from Muggshot's old casino. It doubles the amount of coins the player gains.


Physical appearance

Muggshot is a massive bulldog with lilac fur, large muscular arms, and small and seemingly degenerated legs since he only focused on exercising his upper body. As he grew up lifting weights, he became a huge, muscular beast of a dog. His arms are so huge and long, he walks on his knuckles like a gorilla, while his puny legs dangle, having no other use except standing and kicking at a close distance. He has a thick mustache and mono-brow, which are identical to one another. In Timing Is Everything he stands on normal sized legs.

In Sly 1 and Timing Is Everything, he wears a tank top and spiked wristbands, while in Sly 3, he wears an aviator outfit. In The Adventures of Sly Cooper: Issue 2, he wears a jail jumpsuit that is almost identical to his fur in color, making him look naked unless the reader looks closely.


Muggshot is brutal, ruthless, vicious and arrogant. Along with his great strength, he is dimwitted, but possesses a rather abnormally intellectual (although somewhat poor) vocabulary.

Despite his cruelty, he showed a scrap of honor when he initially refused to fight Bentley as "it wouldn't feel right pounding a four-eyed runt in a wheelchair." However, he discarded that concern once the latter insulted his mother.[4]


Muggshot is incredibly strong, given his size, and is easily capable of holding hangar doors open and thrashing Sly around. He is also very durable, able to take a direct beating from Murray and withstand the magnified light from his crystal gardens during his fight with Sly. He wields numerous machine guns and is highly capable in their use. He also appears to be a skilled pilot, as he is the head pilot of Team Muggshot and almost beat the Black Baron in the ACES competition.




  • Pictures of Muggshot can be seen in the Museum of Natural History in Sly 2: Band of Thieves. As Sly is walking through the hallway towards the courtyard, pictures of him are along the wall, along with ones of Sir Raleigh and the Panda King.
  • Muggshot's name is a wordplay of the word "mugshot," which is a picture that's taken when someone is arrested.
  • Muggshot is the only boss in the series whose henchmen consists entirely of his species (except for in Flight of Fancy but they were Black Baron guards he had paid off) whereas the species of other bosses guards are numerous.
  • It is unknown exactly how Muggshot got out of jail between the gap in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus and Sly 3, whether he was released or broke out.
    • However, it is known that Muggshot was out of prison at least a year before Sly 3 as the Black Baron mentions Team Muggshot was a runner-up in the previous year's ACES competition.
  • He, Panda King, and Clockwerk are the only members of the Fiendish Five to make an appearance or be mentioned in every game in the series. Muggshot himself is a boss in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, a painting in Sly 2, a boss again in Sly 3 as well as his Slot Machine in an animated short, and appearing in an animated short in Thieves in Time as well as being used as a disguise.
  • Despite his huge arms, which he brags about, he never uses them as weapons during boss battles. In fact, he'd rather kick you during a boss battle than use his arms offensively.
    • The only time Muggshot does use them as weapons is when he gets revenge on the bullies.[5]
  • Muggshot is the only character whose height and weight are known. He is 7' 3" and 324 lb.[4]
  • Muggshot and Mz. Ruby are the only bosses in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus to address Sly directly over the P.A. system (or telepathically, in Mz. Ruby's case) near the end of their respective episodes; Sir Raleigh and Panda King address the guards in their employ rather than Sly.
  • In Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, Muggshot can be seen with a cigar in his mouth during some of the cutscenes he appears in. However, during gameplay, he never has a cigar.
    • It is known that Muggshot never has a cigar in The Adventures of Sly Cooper, issue 2 and Timing Is Everything. He is thus one of four out of six characters in the series known to be smoking ever to stop at some point. The others were Tennessee Kid Cooper, Dimitri Lousteau, and El Jefe. The other two which did not stop at any known point were Inspector Barkley and Conner Cooper.
  • Muggshot has been arrested more times than any other known character at three.
  • At three, Muggshot is fought by more playable characters than any other boss. First by Sly, then by Murray, and finally by Carmelita.
    • If Dr. M's mutants do not count as their own bosses, then Muggshot ties with Dr. M, who is fought by Carmelita, Dimitri, and Sly in that case.
    • Bentley is the only member of the Cooper Gang who hasn’t fought Muggshot.
  • His thief meter in Sly 3 has a strange resemblance to that of the Black Baron. One of the few major differences is that Muggshot's thief meter has canine fangs on it, but the Black Baron's thief meter does not go anywhere below the mustache.
  • Kevin Blackton not only voiced Muggshot, but he also voiced Clockwerk, The Panda King, and Sir Raleigh.
  • In Japanese, Muggshot is one of the few characters with a major change in voice direction.
    • In the original PS2 releases of the first game, his first voice provided by Kōsei Hirota spoke with a more plain dialect (along with the self-pronoun "ore-sama").
      • However, his second voice in Sly 3 and the HD Collection provided by Masuo Amada has him speaking in a Kansai dialect instead (with he self-pronoun changed to "washi"), which is often a dialect stereotypically associated with the yakuza or any form of Japanese gangster.
  • At least on the PSVita version of Last Call, if Sly uses the Binocucom immediately after he flips all the mirrors on the first phase of the Muggshot boss fight, Muggshot will not say anything about his gun being destroyed, and the cutscene of Muggshot going up on the elevator will still have it being played within the Binocucom with him not mentioning his spare guns either.


de:Muggshot es:Muggshot fr:Muggshoot