Belly walrus guard

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Belly walruses, real name Lil Bowen,[1] are enemy guards employed by Raleigh to protect the Isle of Wrath from possible intruders.


While they are unarmed, they use their big bellies as their main form of attack to crush any intruder they come across. With the Computer Hacking technique acquired, Sly Cooper's binocucom states that they love Sunday crab buffets, and the scientific name for their species is fattius bouncius.

Job Appearances

Other appearances

Thievius Raccoonus-Bellyflopper.gif

These walrus guards also appear in the Thievius Raccoonus PC game. They act as enemies in the Sunset Snake Eyes minigame and will attempt to collect 20 bones before the player can do so. This is despite them not appearing at all in the Sunset Snake Eyes episode of the original game.



  1. Binocucom description