Frame Team Iceland

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Looks like hard-partying Team Iceland has already gone to sleep. Time to "borrow" one of their Viking helmets.
― Bentley announcing the plan to frame Team Iceland[src]

"Frame Team Iceland" is a job for Murray and Sly Cooper in "Flight of Fancy" of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. It introduced boat rowing for Murray.


After stealing the ACES flight roster,[1] Team Cooper finds out that their first match will be against Teams Iceland and Belgium in an upcoming semifinal round. In order to stand a chance of advancing to the finals with only one plane, the gang will need to make their opponents target each other exclusively. To this end, Bentley cooks up a plan to frame Team Iceland for a crime against Team Belgium.


After Team Iceland falls asleep, Bentley has Sly and Murray get into position near a manhole just outside the hotel, explaining that they are about to steal one of Team Iceland's Viking helmets. Before the mission goes underway, Murray questions his role in the mission, given that Sly can easily pick the lock to Iceland's door and steal the helmet. Bentley explains that this is a delicate business, as they are framing Iceland for a crime they are not responsible for. If there is any evidence of tampering with Iceland's hotel door, it will not take long for people to realize that Iceland was being framed. Murray understood, commenting on Bentley's deviousness and inquiring about their point of entry.

Sly and Murray about to row out of the sewers

Fortunately, Bentley points out that the underground sewer pipes will lead them to the hotel ventilation systems. However, they are under some security, as other teams used them in years past for sabotage. Sly obtains a raft for Murray and him to use, and the two of them rowed the boat through the security-ridden sewers until they come across a dock that led to the air vent leading into Team Iceland's room. Sly hopes off the raft and makes his way to the vent, while Murray stays behind and keeps the raft safe. Once inside, Sly silently slips past the sleeping Icelanders and their burglar alarms, grabs the Viking helmet, and makes his way back to Murray and the raft. Murray explains that they have to escape through another tunnel, as the valve gates changed positions while Sly was gone.

"The Murray" is, and always has been, FINESSE!

Once they make it back out to the surface, Sly hands the helmet to Murray and compliments him on his finesse in rowing the boat. Murray then makes his way over to Team Belgium's hangar, where he had to sabotage their prize plane. Murray has to use his Aboriginal Ball Form to maneuver through the hangar's security and destroy the plane. Before leaving, Murray plants the Viking helmet inside the plane, making it appear as if Iceland sabotaged Belgium's plane and rubbed it in.
