Search for the Guru

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Murray: My master spends most of his time up there in that cave, overlooking the valley and contemplating the depths of deepness. I really appreciate you breaking the news to him that I want to break off my training.
Sly: No problem, pal. I'm looking forward to meeting him. Anybody you call "master" must be a heck of a guy.
Murray: Oh, he's awesome! He'll get inside your head and freak you out 6 ways from Sunday!
Sly: Um... awesome.
― Talking about the Guru[src]

"Search for the Guru" is a job for Sly Cooper during "Rumble Down Under" of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.


The gang's first objective here in the Australian Outback was to find out where the Guru was hiding out.


Murray directs Sly to a small cave, which he claims to be where the Guru spends most of his time, overlooking the valley and contemplating the depths of deepness. Sly is looking forward to meeting him, as he finds him to be an interesting guy, seeing how Murray always called him "Master".

Sly scales a wall and gets to the cave, only to find it empty. He asks Murray if he has any idea where else the Guru can be. Murray points Sly to his hut on the far northern end of the Outback. Sly heads over to the hut, but he also finds it empty too. He then comes to the conclusion that the Guru can have been fending someone or something off, and may have gotten himself captured in the process. Murray agrees, explaining how insane the miners act, and how peaceful the Guru would act, only to make them more ticked. Sly asks him where he thought the miners might have taken him. Murray, having no idea the Guru is captured, starts to panic. Sly gets Bentley on the line. Bentley suggests that Sly heads up to the makeshift stockade, which is where the Guru will most likely be. Bentley warns him about the gyrocopter hovering around the area, as he is positive it is what exposed the Guru.

Sly makes his way up to the stockade and finally finds the Guru. He explains to the Guru that Murray is looking to be released from training and return to the gang. Sly insists on busting him out, but the Guru refuses to leave without his walking staff and Moon Stone. He also wants to meet with both Bentley and Murray individually before he can escape imprisonment. Sly heads back to the safe house and the gang comes up with a plan.
