Cooper Hangar Defense

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Muggshot: Greetings Trog-O-lid-ites. Didn't think I forgot about Mesa City, did ya? I figured you jerks let me smash up your aeroplane and we're even.
Murray: You and what army, dumb guy?
Muggshot: "Army"? Oh, oh yeah. Okay, boys, I paid you off good enough. Time to crack some skulls!
― Before Murray defends the hangar[src]

"Cooper Hangar Defense" is a job for Murray with Bentley and Penelope in "Flight of Fancy" of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.


In preparation for the ACES semifinals, Bentley has Murray meet up with him in the Cooper hangar. Bentley explains that he has been working on getting the security devices online and that they are almost operational, but he also hears from Penelope of a rumor that a rival air team might be coming to cause mischief. Bentley suggests that Murray stands watch while he finishes getting the security online, which Murray readily agrees to.

Immediately after Bentley gets to work on the security system, the hangar's doors are suddenly opened by Muggshot, who suggests allowing him to smash the Cooper plane as payment for what Sly did to him in Mesa City.[1] Murray denies the request, causing Muggshot to call in his "army", which consisted of the Black Baron's guards that he paid off beforehand, to come and take care of Murray. A fight between Murray and the guards immediately follows, and Muggshot keeps the doors open to allow more of them to pour into the hangar.

Bentley tells Murray over the PA system that there is no way he can hurt Muggshot with his fists, directing him to a button in the middle of the room that controls an engine in front of Muggshot. Murray uses the switch to slam the engine into Muggshot's chest. After the engine hit him five times, Muggshot withdrew from the hangar, but not before warning that the attack is just beginning.

Bentley then confirms over the PA system that Muggshot isn't making idle threats, and that he is detecting guards coming at the hangar from the sewers. With his security system coming online moments before, Bentley uses the system to stop the guards from coming up through the pipes into the hangar, while Murray guards the plane just in case any of the guards made it past.

After taking out all of the guards that are already close to the hangar, Bentley realizes that his security system will not be enough to stop the guards, as he detects tanks along with more guards coming their way. Needing backup, Bentley contacts Penelope through his ham radio. After a brief exchange about how "awkward" their first actual look at each other was, Penelope explains that she knows that the attack is taking place, and that she will be happy to use her RC chopper to help defend the hangar, especially since her boss has been betrayed.

Penelope flies the chopper around the grounds, using its grapple hook and boosters to launch any approaching guard or turret from a tank into the air and away from the hangar. After defending the hangar for several minutes, the assault stops, and Bentley compliments Penelope's RC piloting skills, thanking her for helping the Cooper Gang keep their hangar safe. She replies by saying that the guards deserved it, and that she wouldn't allow anyone to sell out the Black Baron and get away scot-free. With the hangar safe, the Cooper Gang moves on to complete their preparation for the ACES semifinals.
