Hidden Flight Roster

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Bentley: Now the roster is kept secret from the pilots but not from the event staff.
Sly: Do we have a mole on the inside?
Bentley: Our "friend" Dimitri has been hired to give color commentary during the dogfights... He'll know where the roster's hidden.
― Bentley and Sly on how they plan to acquire the ACES Team Roster

"Hidden Flight Roster" is a job for Sly Cooper and Bentley in "Flight of Fancy" of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.


After settling into the hotel, Sly dresses up in a pilot disguise and heads down to the lobby,[note 1] where Bentley gives him the brief on their operation. The place is packed with pilots who will be competing in the ACES competition.

Sly enters the hotel lobby.

If the Cooper Gang hopes to be successful in the competition, they will first need to learn who their opponents are. Bentley explains that in the past, teams would go out and sabotage each other's planes in preparation for an upcoming dogfight. To prevent another incident, the flight roster's location is now kept a secret. The flight roster is, however, not hidden from the event staff. Fortunately for the gang, Dimitri has been hired to give color commentary during the dogfights and is sure to have knowledge of the roster's whereabouts. Sly scouts him out in the hotel lobby. Bentley warns Sly that not to start a fight with the other pilots or they will disqualify the team from the competition.

Sly and Dimitri's conversation.

Once finding Dimitri, Sly has him reveal the location of the roster. However, Dimitri refuses to talk for fear of being exposed to the Black Baron and losing his job. Sly offers him a bit of encouragement, saying that a guy like him can deal with the Baron, as he has the best fashion sense of anyone he knows. After hearing this, Dimitri shows renewed pride in his ability to outsmart the Baron. He then agrees to disclose the location of the roster, on the condition that Sly agrees to owe him a favor, which will be return in a few months.[1] Sly accepts the bargain, then Dimitri tells him to search the Baron's air hangar and look behind one of the paintings; it is kept in a secret safe.

Before Sly leaves the hotel, the Black Baron walks into the lobby to welcome all of the pilots to another year of the ACES competition, especially the team leads by an old foe Muggshot. He then reminds everyone about the hi-jinks some teams pull off in the past, and that he will no longer tolerate it. He explains the rules of the hotel, specifically of the consequences for leaving the hotel after sunset. He then bides farewell and leaves the lobby. So does Sly, with Bentley warning him to be careful once outside.

Bentley steals the roster.

Sly takes off his disguise and makes his way up to the Baron's castle on the far hill. Once there, he needs to find a way in for Bentley. Since the drawbridge is up, Sly needs to perform some skillful climbing to reach the top and find a switch. Along the way, Sly overhears the Black Baron pondering about how much tougher the competition has gotten, with a slight hint of worry that he might not win this time. Once Sly reaches the roof, Bentley shows up and asks him to lower the drawbridge. But because there is no switch, Sly notices a catapult and sends it down to Bentley. Bentley uses it to launch up to the roof.

Sly heads back to the safe house, leaving Bentley to finish the job. Once inside the Baron's hangar, Bentley inspects both paintings. During the inspection, the Black Baron makes an announcement on the intercom to warn his guards not to hand him his first loss. Bentley finds the roster in the second painting he unlocks and steals the roster before returning to the safe house.


  1. When selecting Sly after the gang enters the safe house, this job is started immediately. A unique cutscene will play where Sly will walk from the table to the hotel room's door, change into his pilot outfit, and exit the room. This is not seen when replaying the job.


  • Both paintings in the Black Baron's hangar are of the Indian jungle from "The Predator Awakes" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.
    • Unlike on other art decryption lock paintings, the combination (which in this case is 223) appears on the painting of the spice temple twice.
