Walkthrough:Déjà Vu All Over Again!

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"Déjà Vu All Over Again!" is a job for Sly Cooper, Murray, Rioichi, "Tennessee Kid", Bob, Sir Galleth and Salim in the epilogue of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


Phase 1

After the cutscene, you take control of Sly. Walk towards Carmelita. After another cutscene, you take control of Rioichi. Jump onto the boxes in front of you, then land on the blue light using circle. Use the leaping dragon technique by holding r2, then pressing x to jump from one blue light to the next, doing this a total of three times, turning right after the first. Jump off of the light, then walk towards the interact marker and press circle.

You now take control of Murray. Fight alongside Rioichi and defeat the rats that entered the room. A cutscene will play. You again take control of Rioichi. Jump onto the boxes and land on the blue light. Use the leaping dragon technique again, but wait until the green steam is no longer spraying the second light. Quickly leap to the third to avoid failing. Turn right, and leap to the next light after the steam stops spraying, then leap again. Wait until the steam on the light stops spraying, then leap, turn right, and leap twice quickly, as there is steam on the next light as well. Turn right, then leap to the next light, again waiting for the steam to stop. The next light also has steam, but the two after do not. Jump off of the light and press circle on the interact marker.

After another cutscene, you will take control of Bob. Walk towards the ice wall, then jump and press circle to grab on. Climb up, then left, waiting for the steam to stop spraying before jumping the gap. Again, wait until there is no steam, and jump left. Slide down, then go left, and jump after the steam is gone. Climb up, then left, and jump off of the ice wall. Jump onto the next ice wall, and go left. You must jump between three ice walls going left, waiting for the steam to stop each time. Drop off the wall, then jump onto the next wall. Wait for the steam to stop, then go left and slide down. Jump the gap, then climb up and wait for the steam twice, jumping left each time. Climb up, wait for the steam, then jump. Go left, then slide down and jump off the wall. Press circle on the interact marker.

Another cutscene, and you take control of Murray. Fight the rats with Salim, before taking control of Salim. Jump onto the chain, then wait until the two pipes stop spraying steam, and use the climbing cobra technique by pressing and holding r2 to speed up the chain. At the top, jump to the right and land on the rail by pressing circle. Walk around it, then jump onto the next chain after the steam stops. Use the climbing cobra technique again to quickly climb the chain. Jump to the next rail, walk around it, then jump again to the pipe. Wait for the three steam pipes to stop, then walk along the pipe. Wait until the next steam pipe stop stop spraying, then jump to the rail. Walk around it, waiting for the steam to stop, then jump to the platform. Press circle on the interact marker.

When the cutscene ends, you take control of Sir Galleth. Jump and grab onto the wall hook, then hold r2 to charge. Press x to launch up to the next hook. Wait until the moving hook is above you, then launch up to it. When the moving hook is over the laser grid, charge, then launch to break the fuse above it. Wait for the next wall hook to come from the left, then jump and grab on to it. It will take you over another laser grid, so launch and break the fuse. Cross the platform, then jump and land on the pipe. Wait for the two steam pipes to stop, then walk across it. Wait for the next three steam pipes to stop before continuing on. Jump off of the pipe, down to the platform below. Jump and grab onto the hook, then launch and grab the next one. Wait for it to go above the laser grid, then launch and break the fuse. Wait for the next hook to come across, then grab it, and wait until it goes over the laser grid to launch and break the last fuse. Walk across the platform, then press circle on the interact marker.

Another cutscene will play, then you will take control of Murray. Fight off the rats with "Tennessee Kid", then take control of him. Walk around the corner in front of you, then hold l1 to aim the gun. Aim at the green button, then press r1 to shoot it. This will close up the floor. Run towards the button, then turn right and run across the next bit of hatches. If the floor drops out before you make it across the second floor, just shoot the button again. Climb up the pipe, then jump and latch onto the hook with circle. Swing, then jump to the next hook, after which you can jump off onto the platform below. Aim and shoot the next button to stop the spinning platforms, then run across them, jumping over the gap. Turn left, and shoot the button in the next room to stop the spinning platforms. Run, then jump over the gap, quickly shooting the next button to stop the next set of platforms. Shoot the next button, then run and jump your way to the stable platform in the next room.

You must now shoot your way through a door puzzle, shooting the buttons in the order that they lit up. Use Crackshot technique by holding r2, then "paint" over your targets. A skull and crossbones symbol will appear to show that you have it targeted. The order of buttons to open the doors changes each playthrough, so just remember them. You have a total of 44 seconds to get through all three doors. After one last cutscene, the boss battles starts.

Phase 2 (Boss)

Jump after Le Paradox when the mechanical arms are close together, landing on the narrow points with circle. After jumping 5 times, a quick time event will occur. Press these buttons;
Mash square, x, x, circle, triangle, triangle, triangle, circle, square, mash triangle, square, mash square, mash circle, square.

Again, jump after Le Paradox when the mechanical arms are close together, landing on the narrow points with circle. Another quick time event will occur. Press these buttons;
Mash square, x, circle, square, circle, circle, x, triangle, circle, square, circle, triangle, circle, triangle, triangle, mash square, triangle, square, mash square, mash circle, square.

A cutscene will play, after which you will control Sly sliding down rails. Simply jump to another rail to avoid any fire. These are the directions in which to jump;
Left, right, right, left, right, left, left, right, right, left.

After the next cutscene, there is another quick time event. Press these buttons;
Mash square, triangle, triangle, x, square, triangle, square, x, mash circle, triangle, circle, square, x, circle, square, circle, circle, triangle, triangle, triangle, square, mash square, mash circle, square.

Mission and game complete!

Sly Mask locations

1st mask location: While playing as Rioichi Cooper, after defeating the guards in the first room, the 1st mask is behind a large set of crates near the Cooper Gang!

2nd mask location: While playing as Tennessee Kid Cooper, shoot the first switch to raise the platforms. Quickly run across before time runs out! Climb the pipe, then jump to the platform to the left. The 2nd mask is there by a crate.

This section requires expansion.
