Walkthrough:Photo Op

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"Photo Op" is the first job for Sly Cooper during "Turning Japanese" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


Take some recon photos around the village for Bentley.


Take photos of:

  • Boar Guard armor
  • Imperial Prison
  • Dragon Gates
  • Sushi House
  • Geisha House
  • El Jefe


The first thing to snap a photo of is the samurai armor being worn by the boar guard on the walkway in front of you. After you snap him, head to the Imperial Prison and capture a photo of the door. Next, you must head over to the dragon gates and snap a picture of that. The next thing to snap a picture of is Rioichi's sushi house, and then finally, the Geisha House. After taking a picture of the Geisha House, a cutscene plays of El Jefe exiting the Geisha House. After his introduction, snap a picture of him without being seen. After that, the job is complete.
