Walkthrough:Operation: Mousetrap

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"Operation: Mousetrap" is a job for Murray, Sly Cooper and Bentley in "Of Mice and Mechs" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


Storm into the fort and take down Penelope.


  • Sabotage Penelope's mech
  • Defeat Penelope


Part 1 (Murray)

Press circle to blow the drawbridge.

Part 2 (Sly)

The battle starts and Penelope will launch missiles and cause the ground to shake. As Sly, you must jump onto the pedestals nearby via the trampolines. Be sure to dodge the incoming projectiles she shoots at you. You must then use the Archer Costume to shoot arrows into the weak spots in Penelope's armor. Then you must run along the tight ropes to shoot five arrows into the weak spots, then the armor will weaken. After that, you must repeat this process one more time and you will have disabled the mech.

Part 3 (Bentley)

Control will then switch to Bentley, who is in a Moat Monster machine. This part is easy if done correctly. You can use the Moat Monster to punch Penelope's Black Knight armor. However, she can to the same thing to you. Press square to punch, and press r1 to do a powerful overhead attack. When Penelope's health is nearly empty, her and Bentley will get up close and personal and begin pounding each other repeatedly. Just keep pressing square until Bentley sucker punches Penelope. After Penelope is downed, the operation is complete!
