Walkthrough:Short Supply

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"Short Supply" is a job for Murray, Sly Cooper and Sir Galleth Cooper in "Of Mice and Mechs" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


Revisit the shops and shut down the Black Knight's operation.


  • Go to the local tavern
  • Go to the shoemakers
  • Go to the bakery


Revisit the local tavern

Murray is up first. As him, head over to the local tavern. Inside, you must destroy the fuel vats by tossing guards into them. Make sure there are not too many guards around you before picking one up. When you pick up a guard, walk over to the vats and when you see the pink arrow, you will be able to toss him in. You must do this twice for each vat to complete the task.

Revisit the shoemakers

Next up is Sly. As him, you must return to the shoemakers. Once inside, head to the rope and climb up to get into the next room. Swing over to the top of the machine. Then you must hop onto the rope and Rail Walk over to the computer terminal across the room. You must watch out for the green laser because it will cut through the rope. Get onto the rope when the time is right and quickly get over to the terminal. After that, Bentley will begin a Spark Runner hack.

Revisit the bakery

Finally, you will control Sir Galleth. As him, you must return to the bakery. Once inside, head around to the back of the room and on the pole, you'll spot a hook. Grab it and use the Catapult Crash technique to reach the room high above. In this room, you must use the Catapult Crash to destroy the three nodes. The first one you bust will trigger sets of vertical, moving green lasers and a 30-second timer. The second one you destroy triggers a bunch of moving floor lasers, and the third one triggers randomly moving lasers. Make sure you don't touch the lasers, or the system will reset. Once you successfully destroy all three nodes, run to the hatch and jump down, then the whole job is complete!
