Short Supply

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"Short Supply" is a job for Murray, Sly Cooper and Sir Galleth Cooper in "Of Mice and Mechs" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


Sly, Murray and Sir Galleth revisit the local shops to shut down their converted operations.


Murray enters the Slippery Toad tavern, which is used for producing mech wolf fuel and is guarded by rat troopers. Murray destroys the various fuel vats by throwing Rat Troopers and porcupines into them. Once all three vats are destroyed, the mech wolves will have nowhere to refuel.

Next, Sly re-enters the shoemaker shop, where the Black Knight is manufacturing giant parts of an unknown machine. Sly makes his way to the second level of the shop and uses the Archer Costume to clear the gaps above a large pool of molten metal. He finds the device controlling the machines, and Bentley is able to hack into it remotely. Once he does, the machines shut down and the manufacturing of the parts are stopped.

Galleth visits the final shop, the bakery. He makes his way to the second floor where the generator, the main source of power for the other shops, is. The generator is surrounded by three smaller sub-generators, which would need to be destroyed in order to shut down the main device. Galleth makes use of his Catapult Crash technique to take out the three generators and escape the shop before the main generator blows up.

With all of the shops' operations shut down, the job is complete.