Altitude Sickness

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Hahahaha! Oh Cooper, you've climbed so high and now... You're gonna fall!
― El Jefe taunting Sly Cooper[src]

"Altitude Sickness" is a job for Sly Cooper, Murray and Rioichi Cooper in "Turning Japanese" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. This is the final job for Turning Japanese.


El Jefe has played dictator for the last time, and it was time for the gang to put an end to his schemes.


The gang is ready for the final operation to take down El Jefe. The first step is getting past the dragon gates. Since the guards are already unconscious from eating Rioichi's sushi rolls earlier, Sly is able to unlock the gates without risking detection.

The Cooper Gang confronting El Jefe

The rest of the team, along with Rioichi, accompanied Sly, and they all make their way up to El Jefe's fortress. As soon as they get in view of the large structure, a large blimp rose from below, which astonishes them all. As the gang runs forward to get into the fort, they encounter El Jefe on the bridge. He orders the rat troopers to deal with them while he goes through the door. The gang fights the guards on the bridge, while Rioichi makes his way down to the machine wheel to open the door. Once done, he regroups with the trio, by which point all of the guards have been beaten.

El Jefe stealing Rioichi's cane

As the four press on, El Jefe appears again, pouncing on Rioichi and stealing his cane so that he can deliver it to a new owner. He then runs across the bridge, scraping the surface with his katanas and causing it to burn up and fall apart. Sly tells everyone else to stay behind, while he goes on to get Rioichi's cane back. He hops across the destroyed bridge and makes his way to El Jefe's throne room, where after a short confrontation, the tiger is lifted off using a rope. Sly follows him by climbing up to the highest part of the structure, which is towered high above the town. El Jefe, wielding two swords with electric and fire abilities, battles Sly throughout the highly elevated area.

El Jefe subdued

After three rounds, Sly beats El Jefe. Once the latter fell down unconscious, Sly reaches out to grab Rioichi's cane, but a small tin of gas fell by his foot, and as he heard its timer, he jumps off the edge and hangs off of it as the gas bomb erupted. Two rat troopers dropped down from the blimp the gang encountered earlier. One of them grabs Rioichi's cane from an unconscious El Jefe before they are lifted back up. Sly caught a glimpse of a silhouette of someone watching from the window. As the rat troopers ascend, one of them unknowingly drops an old sheriff's badge, which is rolled up to Sly. The blimp then disappears in a flash, leaving Sly stunned. At this point, the operation is over.

No, No Bad Kitten

El Jefe incarcerated

El Jefe is incarcerated after his defeat. Though it is a hollow victory, Sly still failed to reclaim Rioichi's cane. It is still unclear who is behind it all, but Sly knows it is someone powerful enough to control his own private army. The badge that one of the rat troopers dropped was the key to the gang's next destination. After Bentley samples the badge through the time machine, the gang finds out that it is "Tennessee Kid" Cooper who needs their help next, meaning they needed to travel to the Old West in the 1880s. As they make the jump back to this time period, Sly finds himself wondering about Carmelita.