Hard Target

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"Hard Target" is a job for Sir Galleth Cooper and Sly Cooper in "Of Mice and Mechs" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


Sly remarks that Penelope needs to be taken down because of her treachery and for hurting Bentley emotionally. Galleth agrees, and says that the only way is to storm the castle. He tells Sly of a way to create very explosive items that can be used to break through the castle walls. The items require two supplies to be made: fire bulbs and Merlin's Magic Powder. Galleth and Sly part ways to go collect these supplies.

Galleth finds the fire bulbs high up in various trees and uses his Catapult Crash technique to reach them. While Galleth is doing his part, Sly makes his way to the carnival, where he finds the archery game. He participates in the game, and does well enough to procure a bottle of Merlin's Magic Powder. With the sufficient amount of both supplies having been gathered, the explosives can be crafted.