Shopping Spree

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Bentley: I'm going to need some raw materials. The trick is going to be finding some quality wood, leather and metal.
Sly Cooper: Sure. Anything else you want me to pick up while I'm out? Eggs, milk... maybe some wax for your shell?
― From the mission briefing[src]

"Shopping Spree" is a job for Sly Cooper in "Of Mice and Mechs" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


Sly needed to gather some specific materials so that Bentley could produce a new costume for him.


Bentley points out that Sly will need a more appropriate outfit in order to infiltrate the circus and free Galleth. Sly needs to gather some raw materials from around town, particularly some wood, leather and metal. Sly ventures out into town for clues on where to find these items.

Two mech wolves talking

He comes across two guards and eavesdrops on their conversation, which reveals the location of a metal alloy: the local tavern. After stealing the metal and leaving the building,[note 1] Sly eavesdrops on two more guards, who reveal that the bakery is where one will find wood. As soon as Sly finds the building, Bentley needs to hack the terminal to let him inside. Once Sly steals the wood from the flaming furnaces, he goes out to find more guards to eavesdrop on. This time, he learns that he would find leather at the shoemaker's. Once Sly enters the building, he finds the place is secured with green lasers, prompting him to believe something fishy was going on. For now, Sly makes his way across the room and steals the leather. With all three items in Sly's possession, Bentley is sure he will be able to make some very useful items for him.


  1. When Sly exits the tavern through the front door, he reappears on the roof. This is likely an oversight by the developers.