Sushi House Startup

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One day, I will bring greatness to this shop again.
― Rioichi Cooper[src]

"Sushi House Startup" is a job for Sly Cooper and Rioichi Cooper in "Turning Japanese" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


After Rioichi is freed from the prison, it is time for him to reclaim his sushi shop and get it back in business.


Samurai Sly dismisses El Jefe's guards.

Sly Cooper gets into position near Rioichi's sushi house, which is guarded at the front entrance by El Jefe's men. By dressing up in the Samurai Armor, Sly is able to relieve the guard,[note 1] who is initially ordered by his boss to keep watch for any intruders. Once the entrance is clear, Sly helps Rioichi get inside his restaurant by boosting him up to a window with his shield.

Once inside, Rioichi retrieves his dual canes from underneath a rug. Before he can begin the mission, Bentley contacts him, first to kindly remark on his ingenuity to use his sushi knives as door keys, and then warn him that some of the guards have his sushi knives, and there are numerous security traps he has never seen before.

Rioichi pulls the switch to bring his restaurant back to life.

Determined to bring back greatness to his restaurant, Rioichi begins his task, utilizing his Leaping Dragon technique to help him navigate through the building and being careful not to alert any guards. While doing so, he manages to locate each of the guards that stole his knives and he reclaims them one by one. Each knife he collected allows him to pass through locked doors that lead from one room to the next. With Rioichi's knives back in his possession, he enters the final room, which contains the power switch to the entire restaurant. To send a message to El Jefe that the shop cannot be shut down, Rioichi pulls the switch, which powers everything back on in the restaurant, spooking all of the guards.

Behind the scenes

One of the early builds of this mission did not include any doors or knife locks. They were later added because, according to Mat Kraemer, players were going backwards and finding themselves lost. Doors had locks added to them, helping players move in the right direction.


  1. Though Sly is told to relieve the single boar guard at the front entrance, he actually has to dismiss two of them. These two boars are seen guarding the entrance to the sushi house at all times.