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"Breakout!" is a job for Sly Cooper in "Turning Japanese" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


Break Rioichi out from the mysterious prison.


Sly learns that his ancestor Rioichi Cooper is being held in the Imperial Prison. There is no way to gain entrance to the prison except through the front door, so Sly steals the components of a disguise to get inside. After gathering all parts of the Samurai Costume — helmet, chestplate and leggings — Sly approaches the boar guard standing in front of the prison entrance.

Sly orders the guard to grant him entrance, but the guard is suspicious of Sly due to his small stature and asks his name. Sly replies that he is "Major Muggshot", though the guard has never heard of Muggshot and still denies letting him in. Sly then threatens to tell the General about the guard's defiance and jokingly says that the General loved pork chops. As he is leaving, the guard calls him back, tells him that he has made a mistake and lets Sly pass.

Inside the prison, Sly finds guards patrolling every hallway. He equips the Samurai Costume throughout, and any guards who see him let him continue on. He reaches a cliff where he can see Rioichi's cage. When Sly calls out to Rioichi and tells him of his intentions to break him out, Rioichi explains to Sly that he will need to make his way to the dragon bridge. As he is making his way to the bridge, Sly encounters the prison's security: statues that breathe fire and giant swinging axes. He is able to use the costume to pass through the fire unscathed, but he has to be careful around the axes, as the costume is not powerful enough to shield him from them.

Sly soon reaches the dragon bridge only to find it blocks by a gate and guarded. He pickpockets the gate's key from one of the guards and opens it. Sly then begins making his way across the bridge to Rioichi's cage. Along the way, he steps on a pressure plate that causes the bridge to give away and fall into the pit below. Two fireball spitting statues rose in place of the bridge and begin shooting at Sly. He utilizes the Samurai shield to deflect the fireballs back at their deliverers and destroy them. After taking out the security, Sly makes it to Rioichi's cage.

Rioichi remarks that although he does not know the identity of the one who frees him, he knows that he will have had to be a true Cooper to have been able to reach his cage. At this, Sly reveals to Rioichi that he is indeed a Cooper and that he has come from the future to rescue his ancestor. He then breaks the lock to Rioichi's cage and the two escape from the prison.[1]

Estúpida Rata
