Something's Fishy

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It's been a long time since we went fishing, Bentley. I'm excited!
― Murray expressing his excitement about the job[src]

"Something's Fishy" is a job for Bentley and Murray in "Turning Japanese" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.


To be able to make the finest sushi, Rioichi need some help in acquiring the freshest fish.


Bentley prepares to hack the security terminal.

Murray expresses his enthusiasm about going fishing as he and Bentley arrive at the Sashimi Caverns. However, Bentley explains that they are not on vacation, as they need to help Rioichi get back on track as a sushi chef. The entrance to the caverns is locked with a high-tech security system, marking El Jefe's presence in the area as well. Bentley hacks the security system to gain entrance to the caverns.

Once successful, the duo venture into the caverns. While doing so, they come across a group of mammoth lightning bugs blocking their path forward. To lure them off, Murray utilizes a giant lamp leaf, a natural attractor of the bugs. Once they are out of the way, Bentley and Murray continue on.

Gameplay of the fishing segment

After getting past more lightning bugs, they reach a large pond. This is where Rioichi, before his imprisonment, would gather fresh fish to prepare his sushi with. Neither Bentley nor Murray have a fishing pole with them, so Bentley used a magnet from Murray's toy robot instead. He calibrates the device to hone in on the fish's electrical fields and attract them. Once Bentley catchs eight different species of fish, he and Murray leave the caverns. The two brought the fish back to Rioichi, who will then use them to bring some life back into his sushi shop.