Walkthrough:A Ghastly Voyage

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"A Ghastly Voyage" is a job in "Vicious Voodoo" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


You will be controlling a hover blaster throughout the entire area. Hold left analog stick to move, and hold right analog stick to shoot. As mentioned before, you can always shoot in one direction while moving in another.

Sly blasting through obstacles

Move forward and to the right to get onto a large raft that will lead you across the haunted swamp. Prepare for some quick shooting, as the swamp is crawling with fire turtles and ghost rats spawning from several headstones. Once the raft reaches land, ride off of it and traverse the rest of the area. You will approach two large open areas full of breakables and some ghost statues. You will also need to blast your way through some barriers to get through. Said barriers require a bunch of shots, and you will often have to face off against several hordes of ghosts at the same time.

After reaching the signal repeater, ride up the path where you will be shooting down more ghost rats and barriers along the way, as well as another headstone. After blasting through the final two fire turtles, you will approach the final area where you will find the treasure key, which is kept suspended above the area. You will need to carefully eliminate each of the three headstones one by one in order to retrieve it.
