Walkthrough:Two to Tango

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"Two to Tango" is a job in "Sunset Snake Eyes" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


Right upon entry, you will find the first three clue bottles (#1 – #3) on the fire escape right by where you start off. There is a pipe on the building to your left that will get you to its rooftop, where you will find clues #4 – #6, as well as a dalmatian guard. Up ahead is another pipe attached to the building ahead. Ascend to the top, then you will encounter Carmelita.

Sly beginning his escape from Carmelita

After the brief confrontation, she will begin firing at you, meaning you should begin your run across the rooftops. Carmelita will only aim at your current position, so as long as you keep moving, you will be safe. Gathering the remaining clues here can be a challenge here while being under constant fire. Once you leap to the next building, you will find a safe containing clues #7 and #8. The next three clues (#9 – #11) are found in the opposite corner. Use the mattress to reach a Spire Jump point to reach the next building. Lying underneath the remains of a water tower are two clues inside a safe (#12, #13). Two more clues are found near the skylight (#14, #15).

There are more mattresses for you to bounce on; they will help you reach some rooftops, which you must then leap across. There is a rooftop with three skylights, where you will find two more clues in a safe (#16, #17), plus one clue (#18). Bounce on another mattress to reach the wooden beam above, which will lead you over to the upper rooftop. Clues #19 and #20 are found at the corner. You will then need to use the clothesline to reach the other building. It will break on one end, sending you over to the side of the building. Quickly climb up to its rooftop, then jump down to the balcony far below. At this point, you will lose sight of Carmelita. You will find a signal repeater here, along with clues #21 – #23. Three more clues (#24 – #26) are found past the sliding glass doors.

Proceed down the hall and knock out the dalmatian guard. Beyond him is an old, wrecked casino area, where you will find two Doberman pinschers. On the right side, two clues (#27, #28) are found inside a safe behind the guard overlooking a mattress. After killing the guard, bounce on the mattress to reach the glass platforms above. You will then be able to attack the left guard, next to the vault. The final two clues (#29, #30) are found within this small safe. These are the final clues you will need to crack the vault. Its combination is 5-3-2.

Sly on a glass light

Continuing on, once you bounce your way back up to the glass platforms, continue and jump down onto the hazardous path below. Carmelita will then return and continue firing, but will also destroy the platforms in the process. Continue along this path until you reach a ladder. Ascend to the upper path and work your way back in the opposite direction to reach another ladder. Once on the top section, carefully make your way to the final rooftop, where you will find the treasure key stashed inside a fire hydrant. While still dodging Carmelita's shots, you must destroy the hydrant to free the key.
