Walkthrough:The Unseen Foe

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"The Unseen Foe" is a job in "Fire in the Sky" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


Before entering the pagoda, grab clues #1 and #2 from the left, then jump in through the window. To get past the first gorilla, get onto the conveyor belt and use the Invisibility move. Clues #3 – #5 are inside a nearby safe. After that, grab clues #6 and #7 from in front of the gorilla guard up ahead, who slowly waves his flashlight from left to right, allowing an opportunity to sneak past his right side.

Sly on the balcony of a pagoda

As you sneak across the bridge, another gorilla stands watch over the bridge, from within a watchtower to your left. Make every effort to avoid detection, then approach the pagoda ahead. Upon entry, you must carefully make your way upwards to the top, using Invisibility to dodge the security. Next, spire jump from the pagoda over to the watchtower. By dropping down into the watchtower and taking out the guard, you can collect clues #8 and #9. After exiting the watchtower, leap your way into the upper floor of the pagoda you were in at the start.

Use Invisibility to sneak up on the guard in front of the moving conveyor and kill him, then turn left to find clues #10 – #12 hidden among various breakables. By heading over to the right, you will find clues #13 and #14 also hidden among various breakables. Rail slide down to the next pagoda. Upon sliding down towards it, you will notice the treasure key behind some thick glass, which you cannot break. You will need to climb it floor by floor. After getting past the mandrills and chimpanzee that accompanies them, first locate a safe that contains clues #15 and #16. Clues #17 and #18 lie in the treetops nearby.

Sly sliding down towards another pagoda

After the clues have been collected, go back and make your way to another group of trees. Jump onto the treetops to gain access to the pagoda. Walk along the platform outside the pagoda to reach another chimpanzee. After taking her out, climb on the banner to reach another platform. Before reaching it, jump down to another platform below, where you will have to take out the gorilla before collecting clue #19. Return to the previous platform and sneak along the edge. Once you are closer to the top, use the rope to make your way down to another pagoda. After sneaking across the floor lasers, use the hooks on the left to carry yourself over to the pagoda you were just at. Along the way, grab clues #20 – #23, which are hanging from ropes. Before grabbing onto the hooks, grab clue #24 next to a safe that holds clues #25 – #27.

Once you make it to the pagoda, defeat the chimpanzee up ahead, then you can collect clues #28 and #29. Ascend the banner to the top, where you will face another chimp. You will then ascend another banner to reach the top, where you will find the vault. Before opening it, bounce up to the very top of the pagoda to collect the final clue (#30). The vault's combination is 6-6-7.

There will be an opening in the wall of the second to top floor. Upon entering, you will be faced with a series of lasers. You must jump from platform to platform to avoid the lasers. The treasure key is down at the very bottom.
