Walkthrough:The Gunboat Graveyard

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"The Gunboat Graveyard" is a job in "Tide of Terror" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


Once you enter the area, you will find Clues #1 and #2 on the wrecked boat. Between the stairs on the boat, where the helm wheel would be, you will find clues #3 and #4. Up ahead is a shuriken walrus, followed by a path of floating debris in the water. Take caution as you cross it, as there are some moving spotlights here. Along the path of debris, you will find clues #5 and #6. You will then reach another part of a wrecked ship, where a belly walrus awaits, as well as the siren. There is also a clue safe that holds clues #7 and #8, and clue #9 lies behind the mast, by some rigging.

Sly climbing a rigging.

To proceed, climb the rigging, then leap over to grab a rope that will help you reach the wing of a suspended plane. On the opposite wing, you will find clues #10 and #11, but you cannot collect them until you disable the searchlights guarding them. While avoiding more searchlights, disable the siren up ahead before collecting said clues. Past the end of the plane is Ropen Lopen's tank, which you must sneak around to reach a platform and a signal repeater. What follows are two more suspended planes, the first of which has clues #12 and #13 on one of its wings. At the end of the second wing, another shuriken walrus awaits. Take him about before proceeding. Leap onto the rope, and you will be directly above a patrolling squid. You can either drop down and attack him or ignore him by continuing along the rope to reach the submarine ahead, where another squid guard is encountered. Clues #14 and #15 are placed at the stern of the submarine.

Sly climbing over a squid.

To the right of the submarine, there will be a platform that you must use to advance. Once you have made your way to the end of the platform, you will be approaching another path of floating debris, where you will find clues #16 and #17. The former is located along the path, and the latter is just by the next ship. You will also be attacked by a shuriken walrus up ahead. Carefully dodge his stars as you continue crossing the debris. Clue #18 lies next to a safe, which also contains the final two clues (#19 and #20). Be sure to kill the belly walrus nearby to avoid being attacked while you escape. Ascend the ropes to reach the treasure key, which is conveniently placed above where the vault is. To open the vault, the code is 7-1-9.
