Walkthrough:Boardroom Brawl

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"Boardroom Brawl" was a job for Sly Cooper and The Murray in "A Starry Eyed Encounter" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.



The job beacon is located behind Rajan's palace, marking the drain pipe that leads inside the boardroom. You can access it in two ways: from the left side by sneaking along the ledge of a broken walkway, or from the right side by climbing along a series of vines.

The mission

Sly discovers the vault code underneath the last table.

The objective is to get Bentley and Murray inside the boardroom so that Bentley can hack the computer terminals. Your first goal here is to search for the vault code, which is hidden underneath one of the breaktables. The code (which reads '46583271') is underneath the final table, at the far end of the room. Once you obtain it, go to the laser door entrance to gain access. Venture into the vault room to activate the security lockdown switch, but use caution to avoid the moving lasers that fill the room. Right beside the switch is the vault (code: 8-5-7) that contains the Insanity Strike move for Sly.

After the switch is activated, Bentley and Murray will meet up with Sly on the upper floor of the boardroom. You will then take control of Murray and will need to help Sly protect Bentley while he hacks the two computers back and forth. As soon as guards begin flooding the room, prepare for some quick takedowns. Instead of trying to defeat enemies, it might be a good idea to just knock them away and focus on the most immediate threats (the enemies that are the closest to Bentley).

There are six levels Bentley must hack through in order for him to complete his task. Once Bentley finishes hacking the computers in one piece, the job is complete.
