Walkthrough:Operation: Thunder Beak

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"Operation: Thunder Beak" was a heist job for the Cooper Gang in "The Black Chateau" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.


Work together to bring Dimitri's printing operation down, and then steal back the Clockwerk tail feathers.


  1. Turn off the water fountain
  2. Hijack the repair truck
  3. Climb the peacock sign
  4. Attach grapple to the top of the sign
  5. Defend the truck
  6. Stop Dimitri and grab Clockwerk's tail feathers


First phase

Upon starting the mission, Murray will join you and follow you to the water tower. Once at the water tower, take out the two rat guards in the area. Murray will assist you at this, but you can sleep dart them and then bomb them.

Bentley inside the water tower

After that, Murray will position himself below the tower's tube and hold out his arms for you to jump into. Jump and press circle to land in his arms. As Murray, you will need to toss Bentley into the tube leading inside the tower. This requires precise positioning of the aiming arrow. Also, as Bentley, you will need to blast your way in. If you have already purchased the Trigger Bomb, you can bomb the tube open from the ground, before letting Murray toss you up there. Proceed on inside and begin turning the valves. You must turn the valves to divert the water from the plaza. Each valve must be diverted once, and you must do so from left to right.

Second phase

The fountain will be shut off, and control will switch to Sly. Get close behind the repairman as he makes his way to the truck, but watch out for the two rat guards that accompany him. Do not attack the rats in any way. They will not follow the repairman all the way to the truck; they will take a different route upon approaching the first intersection, therefore you should continue following the repairman. You will only need to dig in his pocket twice to retrieve the key. Once you have the key, return to the fountain to exchange items with Bentley. Control will now go back to Bentley.

Sly climbing to the top of the sign

As Bentley, head over to the repair truck, with Murray following from behind. Once you reach the truck, control will switch back to Sly (chronologically back to when Sly made the switch-off). While Bentley and Murray go for the repair truck, you need to get in position on top of the nightclub's peacock sign in order for phase three to proceed. As Sly, scale the large peacock sign on the front of the nightclub until you are at the top.[note 1] There are plenty of pipes to climb.

Third phase

Controlling the truck's harpoon

As you approach the top, Sly will automatically get into position. Murray and Bentley will then drive the truck to the front of the nightclub. After Murray gets the truck in position, press x to fire the grapple to the top of the sign. Position the harpoon until it is just above Sly, and then fire it in order for Sly to catch it.

Once Sly has caught the harpoon, he will latch it to the sign. Right after you slide down to the ground, you will be ambushed by guards trying to destroy the truck. Protect the truck from taking significant damage until the rats stop coming. Once the guards are all eliminated, the hook will pull down the sign, and it will crash down on to the fountain, destroying it and creating a makeshift entrance to the printing press room.


  1. Anytime before the heist, the player can use Bentley's bombs to destroy the supports near the entrance of the nightclub, which will make it easier for Sly to climb to the top of the sign. This is never stated to the player and may have been a minor objective excluded from the final game.
