Walkthrough:Carmelita's Gunner

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"Carmelita's Gunner" was a job for Sly Cooper in Anatomy for Disaster of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.


After the cutscene, you will be in control of a turret. You need to keep the helicopter safe from Clock-La's attacks, which come in several forms. Most damaging is the charged attack, which will take much of your health if it hits. You can hear this attack charging up and interrupt it by shooting the Clock-La before she gets a chance to fire. Prioritize this one, stopping whatever else you're doing to hit her whenever you hear it charging.

You should always be trying to shoot Clock-La whenever you get the chance, but you'll often have to take time out to blast the missiles and energy rings she send your way. The missiles come in two types: the yellow is weaker, blowing up with just a shot or two; the red will take a bit more damage before it blows up, so shoot it as soon as possible to destroy it before it gets to you. Blast the energy rings as quickly as you can in order to make them open up, so your can pass safely through. Be sure to shoot them only once, or they'll close up again, and potentially hit you.

You need to keep the tendency of the turrets to overheat in mind here, as you need to have shots ready in case of emergencies. Like the other turrets you've used throughout the game, these guns will overheat if you fire them continuously, so don't fire unless you have to and always keep a shot or two ready in case you need it. Once you've defeated Clock-La, it's mission complete. However, the next job will start immediately.
