Walkthrough:Spice Grinder Destruction

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"Spice Grinder Destruction" was a job for Sly Cooper in The Predator Awakes of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.


Destroy the center of Rajan's operation, the spice grinder.


  • Destroy the lasers using TNT.
  • Find a way to get the TNT barrel up the spice grinder.


The hallways leading to the grinder are protected by laser fences. Jump into the TNT barrel, then bring it over to the control panel near one of the fences. Jump out of the barrel to light its fuse, and keep back when it blows up the panel, shutting off the lasers.

The chute will continue to drop out more TNT barrels, so take another one and use it to destroy a second panel ahead. Leap between more lasers, sneak past the spotlights on the sloped path, and leap between even more lasers.

The grinder is in a large circular chamber. The spice grinder is the wheel revolving around the small pit of spice at the top of the central area. A chute that continues to drop out TNT barrels can be found at the bottom of this room. Sneak past or defeat the guards there. If Sly stops while still inside a TNT barrel, guards or spotlights will not detect him.

First, use a TNT barrel to blow up the control panel for the lasers blocking the gate leading back to the earlier corridors. Next, take another TNT barrel up the sloped path. Bring it across the high walkway and over to the grinder. Put the TNT barrel on top of the pit of spice and set it off there to blow up the grinder.

Once the grinder is destroyed, it's Job Complete!


  • To get extra coins, Sly can open the energy field gate nearby, allowing him to smash up the suitcases in there. There is also an extra gate on the floor beneath the grinder that can be blown open by the TNT barrel. You will also find some suitcases there, and that will also award an in-game percentage.
