Walkthrough:Breaking and Entering

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"Breaking and Entering" was a job for Sly Cooper in The Black Chateau of Sly 2: Band of Thieves. This job introduces reconnaissance photos, crawling, double jumping and the concept of stealth.


Navigate through the wine cellar to get inside Dimitri's nightclub.



Sly standing beside a wall of lasers

Upon entering the wine cellar, Sly will approach Murray. With his help, you must fight the rat guards that prevent you from proceeding any further. Once the way is clear, Murray will lower the bars for Sly to proceed. Double jump over the bars to get into the corridor. As you venture forward, you will come across three sets of lasers. At the first set, wait for a gap to appear on the left or right. Further up are some lasers that you cannot bypass. At this point, Sly's crawling ability is introduced. You will need to crawl under the table by pressing circle to get past them. Do the same for the next table up ahead to get past the third set of lasers. Past this set is a flashlight warthog guard, who you must sneak past by crawling under another table and wait for his flashlight to move out of the way. Note that being detected by flashlight guards fails this job.

Further down the corridor is another flashlight guard periodically turning from side to side, so wait until his light moves away and continue by crawling under the table. Wait for the flashlight to move away again, then crawl out and head to the nearby vent. Crawl through the vent leads you into the backstage area of the nightclub.

Sly faced with a warthog guard

Coming out of the vent, you will encounter a third flashlight guard facing a wall of yellow lasers. There is no way to sneak around these lasers. To get past, you must take out the guard with a Stealth Slam by sneaking up behind the guard and pressing triangle square in rapid succession (only works if you are unseen). Doing so deactivates the lasers, allowing you to venture further through the hallway ahead, where there are a series of orange lasers and a flashlight guard patrolling back and forth near a set of yellow lasers. As you sneak past the orange, moving laser, take precaution not to be detected by the warthog. Take him out when his back is turned to deactivate the yellow lasers.

In the next room are some rats. After you clear them all out, search for air vent at the back of the room and break it open. Crawl through it to gain entry to the printing press room.

Once in the printing press room, you must get close to the window and take some recon photos. Pull out Sly's binocucom by clicking right analog stick and take photos with r1 or x.

You need to take the following 3 photos:

  • Dimitri - The lizard walking around the top half of the room.
  • Money printer - The machine printing money in the bottom half of the room.
  • Generator - The large machine that Dimitri is circling around in the top half of the room.
